
Your life is a story.

So tell it like one.


Visual storytelling; it’s what I do.

Unlike other little girls, I never wanted a pony, but I got one when I was 6. And much to my disappointment, after building up the courage, that pony ran me into a bush of thorns before depositing me on my butt and trotting away, leaving me in a daze of dust and defeat.

Photography was never on my radar either, and I'd be lying if I said it has always been a dream of mine. I've ended up on my ass on more than one occasion, the only difference now is that I actually get back up, shake off the dirt, and chase after that damn pony.

Life loves to throw us curve balls; whether that curve ball is in the form of a miniature runaway horse that would later become a life lesson, or a camera. Those curve balls help shape our lives and tell our stories. And that's why I feel it is so important to document those stories, no matter how big or small. Because at the end of it all, our lives are a collection of stories, and what better way to tell yours, than with photos?

My name is Kelcee, and this is my story. What’s yours?


Our stories are what keep us alive long after we are gone. Are you ready to tell yours?

For personalized sessions or general inquiries, fill out the form and drop me a note! I can’t wait to hear all about your story!